Higher-level Classification of Bats
Nancy B. Simmons and Tenley Conway
Classification from Simmons and Geisler (1998), modified
following suggestions of Kirsch et al. (1998).
Order Chiroptera
Megachiropteramorpha (unranked name)
Suborder Megachiroptera
Family Pteropodidae
Microchiropteramorpha (unranked name)
†Family Icaronycteridae
†Family Archaeonycteridae
Microchiropteraformes (unranked name)
†Family Palaeochiropterygidae
†Family Hassianycteridae
Suborder Microchiroptera
Superfamily Emballonuroidea
Family Emballonuridae
Subfamily Taphozoinae
Subfamily Emballonurinae
Infraorder Yinochiroptera
Superfamily Rhinopomatoidea
Family Craseonycteridae
Family Rhinopomatidae
Superfamily Rhinolophoidea
Family Nycteridae
Family Megadermatidae
Family Rhinolophidae
Subfamily Rhinolophinae
Subfamily Hipposiderinae
Infraorder Yangochiroptera
Superfamily Noctilionoidea
Family Mystacinidae
Family Phyllostomidae
Family Mormoopidae
Family Noctilionidae
Superfamily Nataloidea
Family Myzopodidae
Family Furipteridae
Family Thyropteridae
Family Natalidae
Superfamily Molossoidea
Family Antrozoidae
Family Molossidae
Subfamily Tomopeatinae
Subfamily Molossinae
Superfamily Vespertilionoidea
Family Vespertilionidae
Subfamily Vespertilioninae
Subfamily Miniopterinae
Subfamily Myotinae
Subfamily Murininae
Subfamily Kerivoulinae
† extinct
Kirsch, J. A., J. M. Hutcheon, D.C. Byrnes &;B. D. Llyod. 1998. Affinites and historical zoogeography of the New Zealand Short-tailed bat, Mystacina tuberculata Gray 1843, inferred from DNA-hybridization comparisons. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 5(1): 33-64.
Simmons, N. B. & J. H. Geisler. 1998. Phylogenetic relationships of Icaronycteris, Archeonycteris, Hassianycteris, and Palaeochiropteryx to extant bat lineages,with comments in microchiroptera. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 235:1-182.
About This Page
Nancy B. Simmons
American Musuem of Natural History, New York, New York, USA
Tenley Conway
University of Toronto at Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Page copyright © 1997 Nancy B. Simmons
Page: Tree of Life
Higher-level Classification of Bats
Authored by
Nancy B. Simmons and Tenley Conway.
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